PCMania 36
PCMania CD36_1.iso
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Text File
363 lines
; main variable tables
align 16
; table of current limitations/restraints - to be used as reference by user
; at run-time to determine if object code has been assembled with ample room
; for data/variables/point/surfaces etc...
asm_maxpoints dw maxpoints
asm_maxsurfaces dw maxsurfaces
asm_maxpolys dw maxpolys
asm_maxobjects dw maxobjects
asm_number_spaces dw number_of_spaces
asm_xsize dw xmax-xmin
asm_ysize dw ymax-ymin
asm_usez dw usez
asm_useborders dw useborders
asm_use_half_stars dw use_half_stars
asm_cameraobject dw cameraobject
asm_xmode dw xmode
asm_ratiox dw ratiox
asm_ratioy dw ratioy
asm_xactual dw xactual
asm_yactual dw yactual
asm_pages dw pages
align 16
x1 dw ? ; points for line draw
y1 dw ?
x2 dw ?
y2 dw ?
rise dw ? ; counter for draw loop
xp dw maxpoints dup (?) ; points breakdown, after rotated, 2d,
yp dw maxpoints dup (?) ; x,y points after 3d, are actual location.
zp dw maxpoints dup (?) ; z useless, only good during sort of sides
sides dw maxsurfaces*maxpolys dup (?) ; visible sides only here (clockwize)
order dw maxsurfaces dup (?) ; what order to draw surfaces in.
zeds dw maxsurfaces dup (?) ; z values of first point in side, for sort
surfcolors dw maxsurfaces dup (?) ; colours for those sides, high and low
colors12 dd 0 ; colours for sides 1&2
textures dw maxsurfaces dup (?) ; commands/textures for sides
texture12 dd 0 ; textures for sides 1&2
command dw 0 ; current command in load_surfaces loop
showing dw 0 ; how many visible sides (total)
pointindex dw 0 ; indexer to points, xs[],ys[],zs[]
lindex dw ? ; last indexer to points,
offsides dd offset sides ; guess...gets inc'd when object plotted
numsides dw ? ; number of sides total, gets trashed
numpoints dw ? ; number of points, gets trashed
whichside dw ? ; which side am i doing now
firstbyte dw ymax-ymin dup(1000) ; table of start and end x points
dw 1000 ; end flag, permanent
lastbyte dw ymax-ymin dup(-1000)
oney dw 1000 ; y start for one polygon draw
colq db ? ; colour of this side
lamflag db ? ; is lambert matrix set up for this object?
align 16
currobj dd ? ; current object number (for shading)
xupdate dw xmax,xmin-1 ; x,y update for clearing entire picture
yupdate dw ymax,ymin-1
lxupdate dw xmax,xmin-1 ; last x,y update
lyupdate dw ymax,ymin-1
xad dd ?
yad dd ?
zad dd ?
vxcos dd ?
vxsin dd ?
vycos dd ?
vysin dd ?
vzcos dd ?
vzsin dd ?
steel db ? ; steel flag, -1 = don't use
steelc db ? ; base colour for steel, taken from colq
dsq dw ? ; for checkfront routine
esq dw ?
; variables for multiple object routine, you modify these!
; userotate object commands
; 0 = all rotations supported - full object
; 1 = camera rotations only - no compound, new loadpoints
; object is same as when userotate=0 but will not allow any object specific
; rotations. this is used to speed up rendering of objects that are
; stationary or objects that will always be pointing in the same direction.
; make1obj routine then assumes angles = 0x, 0y, 0z
; 32 = bitmap - no compound, no loadpoints, no sort and no drawvect
; 33 = bitmap, 1/4 scale, faster than 32
; if object is bitmap, then:
; whatshape - indexer to which bitmap in bitbase list
; xs,ys,zs - point to bitmap location in space
; vxs - bitmap scaling (how big is bitmap). note: bitmap is already
; scaled based on distance so you don't have to change this
; as the bitmap gets farther away.
; 64 = point - no compound, no loadpoints, no sort and no drawvect
; used for bullets. could be used for stars but if you do want to make
; stars, make a specialized bitmap routine. making stars as objects would
; be too slow. right now, bullets all have same colour, see constant in
; equ.inc. note:sept 29/93, stars routines now are a seperate specialized
; assembley routine. - stars.asm
; xs,ys,zs - point to bullet location in space
align 16
xs dd maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; locations of objects
ys dd maxobjects+1 dup (?)
zs dd maxobjects+1 dup (?)
xadds dd maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; linear velocities of objects
yadds dd maxobjects+1 dup (?)
zadds dd maxobjects+1 dup (?)
vxs dw maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; angles of objects
vys dw maxobjects+1 dup (?)
vzs dw maxobjects+1 dup (?)
vxadds dw maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; anglular velocities
vyadds dw maxobjects+1 dup (?)
vzadds dw maxobjects+1 dup (?)
lcount dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; linear counter
acount dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; angular counter
xsfinal dd maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; final locations of objects
ysfinal dd maxobjects+1 dup (?)
zsfinal dd maxobjects+1 dup (?)
vxsfinal dw maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; final angles of objects
vysfinal dw maxobjects+1 dup (?)
vzsfinal dw maxobjects+1 dup (?)
whatshape dw maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; shapes of objects or bitmaps (0,1,2...)
palxref dd maxobjects+1 dup (offset nullpalette) ; palette cross reference for each object
userotate db maxobjects+1 dup (?) ; rotation type,0 = full,1 = camera
align 16
onoff db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; is object on/off
; flags to disable/enable routines: disable = -1, enable >=0
use_clear dw yes ; flag to use clear_fill routine, default=use
wfollow dw no ; what object are we following, -1 = none
wherelook dw no ; what object do we force camera to look at
oldspeed dw ? ; how fast to move, temp counter
; camera variables = was last object in object list, now is zero'th
eyex equ d [xs+cameraobject*4] ; camera location
eyey equ d [ys+cameraobject*4]
eyez equ d [zs+cameraobject*4]
eyeax equ w [vxs+cameraobject*2] ; angles for camera
eyeay equ w [vys+cameraobject*2]
eyeaz equ w [vzs+cameraobject*2]
eyexadds equ d [xadds+cameraobject*4] ; eye location velocity
eyeyadds equ d [yadds+cameraobject*4]
eyezadds equ d [zadds+cameraobject*4]
eyevxadds equ w [vxadds+cameraobject*2] ; eye angular velocities
eyevyadds equ w [vyadds+cameraobject*2]
eyevzadds equ w [vzadds+cameraobject*2]
eyelcount equ w [lcount+cameraobject*2] ; eye linear count (how many times to move)
eyeacount equ w [acount+cameraobject*2] ; eye angular count
eyefinalx equ d [xsfinal+cameraobject*4] ; final camera position
eyefinaly equ d [ysfinal+cameraobject*4]
eyefinalz equ d [zsfinal+cameraobject*4]
eyefinalax equ w [vxsfinal+cameraobject*2] ; final camera angle
eyefinalay equ w [vysfinal+cameraobject*2]
eyefinalaz equ w [vzsfinal+cameraobject*2]
align 16
ecosx dd ? ; multipliers of eyeax and eyeaz
esinx dd ? ; reset at begining of each new frame
ecosy dd ?
esiny dd ?
ecosz dd ?
esinz dd ?
vcosx dw ? ; temp storage for object matrix calculation
vsinx dw ? ; can be used if needed during draw
vcosy dw ?
vsiny dw ?
vcosz dw ?
vsinz dw ?
vmatrix dw 9 dup (?) ; 3x3 rotation matrix for object (includes eye)
tmatrix dw 9 dup (?) ; 3x3 temp rotation matrix for hierarchys
ematrix dd 9 dup (?) ; 3x3 rotation matrix for eye
lmatrix dw 3 dup (?) ; 1x3 z resultant matrix for lambert shading
y_angle_of_sun dw 2000h ; where is the sun? for shading
; clipping variables in memory locations, pre-calculated!
; xactual and yactual basically don't change but clipping can to allow
; windows (rear view mirror, view airplanes menu, auxilary views, rear gunner)
; when flipping between windows, also flip wfollow, wherelook
; oldspeed, lxupdate, lyupdate, camera variables/angles/speeds (obviously).
cliplt dw xcenter+xmin ; xcenter+xmin
cliprt dw xcenter+xmax-1 ; xcenter+xmax-1
cliptp dw ycenter+ymin ; ycenter+ymin
clipbt dw ycenter+ymax-1 ; ycenter+ymax-1
xcent dw xcenter
ycent dw ycenter
ycents1 dw ycenter-1
ycentp1 dw ycenter+1
xmaxxcent dw xmax+xcenter
ymaxycent dw ymax+ycenter
xmins dw xmin
xmins1 dw xmin-1
xmaxs dw xmax
xmaxs1 dw xmax-1
ymins dw ymin
ymins1 dw ymin-1
ymaxs dw ymax
ymaxs1 dw ymax-1
xmit dd xmin-tolerance ; tolerance is max object size/ratio
xmat dd xmax+tolerance
ymit dd ymin-tolerance
ymat dd ymax+tolerance
; variables for icon scale routine
bitmap dd ?
destwidth dw ?
destheight dw ?
destx dw ?
desty dw ?
sourcewidth dw ? ; workspace for icon scale routine
sourceheight dw ?
decisionx dw ?
decisiony dw ?
clippedwidth dw ?
clippedheight dw ?
background dw 0 ; background colour, must be in high and low!
public xs
public ys
public zs
public xadds
public yadds
public zadds
public vxs
public vys
public vzs
public vxadds
public vyadds
public vzadds
public xsfinal
public ysfinal
public zsfinal
public vxsfinal
public vysfinal
public vzsfinal
public lcount
public acount
public whatshape
public userotate
public eyex
public eyey
public eyez
public eyeax
public eyeay
public eyeaz
public eyexadds
public eyeyadds
public eyezadds
public eyevxadds
public eyevyadds
public eyevzadds
public eyefinalx
public eyefinaly
public eyefinalz
public eyefinalax
public eyefinalay
public eyefinalaz
public eyelcount
public eyeacount
public onoff
public vmatrix
public tmatrix
public ematrix
public lmatrix
public y_angle_of_sun
public background
public bitmap
public destwidth
public destheight
public destx
public desty
public use_clear
public wfollow
public wherelook
public x1
public y1
public x2
public y2
public colq
public steel
public lxupdate
public lyupdate
public xupdate
public yupdate
public oney
public firstbyte
public lastbyte
public showing
public xcent
public ycent
public xmins
public xmins1
public xmaxs
public xmaxs1
public ymins
public ymins1
public ymaxs
public ymaxs1
public asm_maxpoints
public asm_maxsurfaces
public asm_maxpolys
public asm_maxobjects
public asm_number_spaces
public asm_xsize
public asm_ysize
public asm_usez
public asm_useborders
public asm_use_half_stars
public asm_cameraobject
public asm_xmode
public asm_ratiox
public asm_ratioy
public asm_xactual
public asm_yactual
public asm_pages